• Day One Results
    • Cabin Flag
    • Daily Games
      • Tanuki Sunset
      • RocketPult
    • Scavenger Hunt
    • Guess the Image
  • Submission Guidelines
  • Today's Activities
    • Medley of Madness
    • Daily Games
      • One Button Bob
      • Pix Hop
    • Scavenger Hunt
    • Picture Quiz
  • Tournaments
  • Side Events

Welcome to Day Two of Smash Camp 2021! We're so glad to see all of you working hard to get your cabins ahead, and we can't wait for the next few days. But without further ado, here are the results of Day One:

Cabin Flags

Here are the flags you chose!

DaCabin - Made by Brian
The Golden Girls - Made by Cat
Sigma Squadron - Made by Nuuk

Daily Games

Tanuki Sunset
Place Username Points
1 Brian 540856
2 Scott 409272
3 Dan 243584
4 pesti 237680
5 Saph 157844
6 Elmo 114537
7 Kat 89993
8 Coal Soul 68021
9 BulbaJohn 64558
10 ritvik 63123
Place Username Points
1 BulbaJohn 460080
2 Calaf 318640
3 pesti 308000
4 Scott 157470
5 Elmo 129540
6 Brian 81270
7 Franciscosta 74950
8 piplup 71620
9 Jarrod 69460
10 Coal Soul 65630

Scavenger Hunt

We've enjoyed seeing your submissions come in - here are some of our favorites from yesterday!


Guess the Image

Here are the results:

DaCabin: 90 points
The Golden Girls: 100 points
Sigma Squadron: 90 points

  1. Pascal from NieR: Automata
  2. Photoshop
  3. Big Floppa
  4. Chika Fujiwara from Kaguya-sama: Love is War
  5. Repede from Tales of Vesperia
  6. Bugs Bunny
  7. Satoru Iwata
  8. Robbie Rotten from LazyTown
  9. Lil Dicky
  10. Wumpus

Cabin Standings

The standings at the end of Day One are as follows:

DaCabin: 470
The Golden Girls: 545
Sigma Squadron: 475

*Side event scores are counted as the week progresses.

All submissions go into the respective submission channel for your cabin. Entries will not count unless they are posted there. Only submissions should be placed in that channel. Keep all of your submissions in one message if the character limit permits. Use image links (from Discord, imgur, etc.) instead of directly uploading to the channel when posting images. All discussion should be held in your cabin's main Discord channel.

If you need an extension on the deadline for whatever reason, talk to Bossvelt and Thundawave about it beforehand. All entries submitted past the deadline will only be counted for participation points and will NOT place if they would have otherwise.


Medley of Madness

A Smash Camp tradition - our leaders and crew have compiled an evil guess-the-song competition! Timestamps of each song have been provided on the page linked below. The songs are from mixed genres, including but most definitely not limited to pop, alternative, rock, video games, and anime.

But wait, there's more! Like last year, there are also a handful of backwards songs. No Pokemon cries or other sound clips this year though :)

Click here to see more info about the Medley of Madness!

Contest Guidelines

When adding guesses to your cabin's Google Doc, you MUST include your name alongside your contributions.

10 points will be awarded for each correct title and artist/game/anime/creator named. 5 points will be awarded if only the correct title or artist/game/anime/creator is named. We may give a few pity points if you attempt to describe where the song is from but can't get the exact name.

Daily Games

One Button Bob

Click here to play One Button Bob!

Get Bob to the end of the treacherous dungeon in as little clicks as possible!

Pix Hop

Click here to play Pix Hop!

Bounce a square around the screen while collecting coins and avoiding the colored enemies.

To receive points for daily games, you must post screenshots of your ENTIRE SCREEN when you hit game over.

Scavenger Hunt

A staple of Smash Camp that we're excited to bring back this year! For this event, we will provide a list of items that each camper will need to find and take a picture of in real life. Find them, take a picture of them (with the required proof - see below), and get some points! You will earn 5 points for each picture submitted, with an extra 5 bonus points available for specific items.

Contest Guidelines

Today's items are the following:

Example submission:

Picture Quiz

Work together as a cabin to identify the meaning of a series of images. For example, if we gave you the following images:

A potential answer could be "hot dog". Counselors (or a chosen representative) will include their cabin's guesses in their daily submission before midnight. Cabins will net 10 points for each correct answer. The images for today can be found here.


Tournaments are well underway! Many games have already been completed, but there are still matches to be had - make sure to get them done before you get disqualified!

Click here to see more info about the Smash Tournament!

Click here to see more info about the Showdown Tournament!

Click here to see more info about the Chess Tournament!

Side Events

Once you finish your daily activities, we strongly encourage you to participate in our side events! Some of these will last all of Smash Camp, and some have deadlines. Make sure to read the rules and enjoy what we think is one of the coolest parts of Smash Camp! Additional details for each of the side events can be found here.

We hope you enjoy the second day of camp!